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Sunday, September 20, 2015

scripture sunday #bebroken

This morning a man was baptized at church. This is awesome. What made it especially moving though was his personal story. He is in his 90s. He needed support to stand and get to the fount. His wife has been a member for years, lifting him in prayer and caring for him. She is the woman who sends cards of love and kindness and is constantly looking to help those around her. Today as I watched her walk alongside him as he dedicated his life to Jesus I was touched. And then heart was broken for those who don't know God and for the loved ones around them who struggle with what to do and say. As my heart broke, God immediately filled my heart with gratitude, love and inspiration to keep looking for opportunities to reflect his love. I'm glad for that man and his family, I'm glad that we worship a God who has grace and mercy on us, and I'm glad I was open to seeing the many ways God used that moment to reach out to us all.



Each Sunday I choose a scripture for the week. The scripture relates to my one little word for the year and helps me intentionally explore my word and set a purpose for each week. See more scripture sunday posts here.