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Thursday, December 29, 2011

2011 one little word wrap up

Now that it’s the close of 2011 it’s time to look back at my One Little Word:


I didn’t following my word throughout the year as I had planned, but I think we made it happen. I can think of numerous occasion where people comment on my ability to balance my time and energy. I’ve worked hard to maintain a healthy amount of play time amidst the tugging of work related activities. And I can honestly say that in the past I might have responded differently to such a busy time surrounding Christmas.

Although I didn’t document it how I had hoped, I know that I am more aware. I see how easily obligations and commitments can throw off the delicate balance of health, how dedication can turn to obsession and that rest is good and necessary. I know now that whether or not I can “do it all” is not the question, instead I should ask “should I do it all?” I have listened and heard those around me and I see where I can deepen my roots, widen my stance and grow further into the balance of living.

I look forward to carrying these lessons forward into the new year and I am close to choosing my new word. 2011 was about observing and finding my word throughout my everyday life and I think 2012 will be more about inviting and inserting my word into each day.

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