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Thursday, July 9, 2015

Digital Art Project no. 2

A few weeks ago the youth group went on a mission trip. I wasn’t able to join them but to offer my support, I made them a devotional guide for their reflection time.

It was the perfect little project to help me feel supportive and to equip the kids process what they experienced. We called is a Missional Learning Trip to help them focus on learning from the people they worked with and not just on the physical work we did at the farm.

The youth director gave me free reign so I chose a simple half fold booklet style with lots of space to journal and doodle. The arrows are from a free digital download online and the fonts I used are as follows:

Cover Title, Day #: Reprise Title (from Sibelius music program)

Cover Script: Sunshine in My Soul

Daily Schedule, Bible Verses, Reflection Questions: American Typewriter (free with Mac, similar to Courier New)

The format here is how I created it in Pages. Each page was printed double-sided and then they were stacked, folded, and stapled down the middle. Super simple (once you figure out the order of the pages)!

I love these types of projects and heard that at least one student really enjoyed the chance to reflect on the verses and the daily events.

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