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Sunday, February 1, 2015

scripture sunday

I'm definitely keeping last week's verse a little longer as I've appreciated the extra push to be prayerful in all situations. It also connects nicely to this week's verse.

This happens to be today's "verse of the day" on my bible app. I love when things just fall into place!

This verse seems fitting since we've been trying to get rid of excess things in our home. We are currently sifting through years of boxes, finding gems like a 14 year old progress report and 8 year old valentines from each other. The sentimental things are the trickiest but as this verse says, we have the best we could ask for and that's God's assurance that he'll never leave us. We can say goodbye to the clutter (physical and emotion) and relax in this promise. #bechill
Each Sunday I choose a scripture for the week. The scripture relates to my one little word for the year and helps me intentionally explore my word and set a purpose for each week. See more scripture sunday posts here.

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