Saturday, August 6, 2016

Belated Fiber Friday

I have been doing a bit of fiber crafting lately but not a ton. It's been very practical and strategically planned around guests coming and going. I'm so glad I made time at the beginning of summer to sort, organize and purge my supplies because pulling things out for a day of stitching is much easier now. And of course, knowing things have a home makes it easier to clean up :)

Over the last two weeks I've been prepping two projects. One week i measured and bought materials for making cloth wipes and a baby snuggler. I've been making a few cloth wipes here and there all summer with spares bel I've uncovered (mostly left from other projects). I consulted a friend who cloth diapers and asked how many she felt was enough for a solid stash without going overboard. This helped a lot! So I bought 2 yards of flannel to make 20 more 8x8" squares (about 7.25x7.25 finished).

Last week I washed and dried everything then cut and pinned everything. I also marked darts on the snuggler and made a quick list of the steps since so much time passed between starting and ending this project. The out fabric is cotton and steel left over from a dress I made. It's so soft and felt "gender neutral". I took a scrap to the store and found a cute fuzzy flannel to serve as the lining - mint colored with sewing scissors.

Finally, yesterday I set up my machine and ironing board and got to work. It took about an hour and a half but it was so much fun because all the pieces were ready to go! I like this sort of assembly line style of sewing because I get into a rhythm and can listen to a podcast or an audio book while I work. It is also so satisfying to see everything stacked up neatly at the end of the project.

Here is "Baby Bear" modeling the snuggler. It's from Lotta Jansdotter and has Velcro closures.

I'm still plugging away on a few knitting projects and hoping this weekend will bring me close to finishing the onward shawl. As school approaches I am unsure of how much sewing I'll be able to do so I'm hoping to squeeze in one or two more sessions before then.

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